CK at 29th NYC Dyke march © Richard Renaldi.jpg

Who’s behind Focused Vision Photo?

Carolina Kroon (she/her/hers) is a multimedia producer, photographer, educator, and activist. For more than two decades she has collaborated with many preeminent publications, non-profits, and companies to communicate their stories and document their people, communities and events. She has had a successful career as a self-employed creative from before the gig economy was even a thing.

A versatile, creative, and astute educator, she’s facilitated and taught a wide variety of courses that share what she has learned over her long career as a freelancer. Throughout her career, her love and dedication to community has instilled a deep desire to give back and pay it forward.

She has taught photography and business classes to students of all ages in both community and academic settings. Her presentation skills, flexibility, generosity and wide range of resources create inspiring personal and communal environments for learning and sharing.


Carolina and her chosen Dad and Business Mentor, Tony.