Is your photo business feeling unfocused?

You may take great photos, but the business part feels hard. 

I’m here to make it a little easier.

Hi, I’m Carolina Kroon, and I have been a freelance photographer for over twenty years. Everything was basically “functional,” but then in 2015, I had my worst financial year ever and thought to myself, “This is insane. I may need to find another career.” I went from worrying about not accomplishing enough, to wondering If I was doing enough of the “right” thing, and struggling to make enough money - It was ENOUGH already.

One day, I was complaining to my Dad Tony, and as luck would have it, he was retiring from a successful sales career. With his patient help, I learned how to make a business plan that made sense for my life as an artist, educator, and activist.. With time, practice and support, my business completely changed. Not only did I want a business that made money, I wanted my work to connect to my values and priorities. I had a plan that gave me resilience and confidence to keep going no matter what. Instead of just relying on persistence and blind faith, I could now rely on my business strategy.

Making a business plan that fits your life is critical.

Very few photography schools, undergraduate or graduate level, offer ANY business training to up-and-coming photographers. 

They perpetuate the myth that if you are good at your craft and just keep doing it you will be able to make a living and run a business. 

That’s just not true.

It’s a totally different skill set.

In my long career as a freelancer, the thing that has had the biggest impact on my business is the development of a resilient and flexible business strategy that fits who I am. 

How different my path would have been if I had learned these skills as I was starting out. Wouldn't it have been fantastic to have my own magical sauce to bring to the table every day?

That’s why I created the FOCUSED VISION BIZ COURSE.

special sauce

I want photographers who are starting out or who haven’t had the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to solidify their business, so I’ve created a course for that very thing. Tony helped me find my secret sauce, but not everyone has a Tony to help them. That’s where I come in. 

Most online guides and books available lean either towards too complex for what’s needed or sell a one size fits all approach as the only way to do things. You might have tried these but they weren't a great fit. You are a completely unique human. You are not like your colleagues when it comes to your professional goals, your financial needs or your personal situation. Why use a bland, mass-marketed approach when you could have a plan that fits you?

Most photographers are solo business owners. Having a mentor and accountability partners to bounce ideas off of, get referrals and get your questions answered is invaluable. When paired with a customized business strategy based on your needs, you will feel more anchored and less scattered.

The master maker of your own magic sauce.


What’s included in the program?

You will learn how to:

  • Discover and strengthen a niche and target audience 

  • Clarify your own needs and goals with readings, excercises and supportive feedback.

  • Implement best practices for staying on PARR (planning, acting, recording and reviewing) 

  • Develop individual systems and frameworks to stay resilient in your photography business strategy

You might be wondering “is this course is for me?”

This course is useful for all types of professional photographers at any stage in your career — whether you want to gain more commercial clients, apply for grants, get gallery representation or any other photography goals you have. 

You will walk out with your own secret sauce — a business plan you feel confident in, that is tailored to your values and priorities and that will make you money for years to come.